Meet the 2021-2022 Gems

Judy Jian

Judy JiangBusiness Administration



Born in Shanghai, Judy immigrated to Vancouver during middle school and is currently living in LA. She has explored various career options through internships in content development at Studio Dragon, media analytics at Katch Media, and studio operations & sales at Hudson Pacific Properties, accumulating valuable professional experiences and transferable skill sets. She is active in many campus organisations including her roles as the Senior Producer at USC’s Student TV Station and Director of Internal Affairs at SEP Entrepreneurship Society. Along with this, Judy enjoys music festivals, travelling around the world, and overanalyzing film & TV shows. Last semester, Judy is very grateful to have a GEMS mentor who deeply inspired her with a wide variety of career opportunities that capitalises on both her analytical aptitude and passion for entertainment. Judy looks forward to future company tours as they provide crucial first-hand networking experiences that help students form their own career choices.