Meet the 2023 Gems

Will Renkis

“Meet Will Renkis, a Nashville, TN native with a passion for leveraging data science and artificial intelligence in the world of business. Currently a rising junior pursuing a B.S. in Business Administration, with a specialization in Analytics and a minor in Artificial Intelligence Applications, Will has demonstrated his capabilities as a Product Management and Data Science Intern at Johnson Controls during the past summer. With an eye towards the future, he aims to combine his academic knowledge and professional experiences to explore exciting career opportunities in the realms of data science, artificial intelligence, and product management.

Beyond academics and work, Will actively contributes to the campus community as the Vice President of Finance for the Marshall Business Student Government. In this role, he manages the creation and allocation of budgets to organize events and fundraisers, enriching student resources and experiences.

In his free time, you’ll find Will exploring the breathtaking national parks of California, hitting the gym for weightlifting sessions, and enjoying some incredible local ramen.

Reflecting on his journey, Will enthusiastically shares, ‘GEMS has taught me the invaluable lesson that academic excellence is directly linked with professional success. Through mentorship and networking, I’ve gained unparalleled insights into my own aspirations and goals, both in the academic and professional spheres.”